
Requirements for Partnership

At Formalitat, we believe in the power of partnerships to create a stylish future. Our mission is to inspire confidence and elegance through our formal attire, and we are looking for like-minded individuals and businesses to join us on this journey.
To become a partner with Formalitat, there are several requirements that we look for:
Partnering with Formalitat offers a range of benefits, including exposure to our engaged community of formal attire enthusiasts, opportunities to showcase products, services, or events to our audience, and the potential for collaboration on exclusive projects or promotions.
Together, we can create a stylish future that inspires confidence and elegance in all aspects of life. Join us at Formalitat and let's build something extraordinary together.

Partnership Benefits

At Formalitat, we prioritize forming meaningful partnerships that provide mutual benefits, going beyond the traditional concept of a partnership.
What we offer:
  • Roblox Affiliates & Discord Partnership: We collaborate with partners on Roblox affiliates and establish Discord partnerships.
  • Pings for Promotions: We provide pings, mainly through reaction role pings (such as partnership ping or events ping), and in some cases, @here and @everyone. This support is available at the start of our partnership and whenever you need to promote something within your group.
  • Clothing & UGC Integration: If you have clothing and UGC items, we can feature up to 10 sets of clothing and 2 UGC items in our homestore partnership section, along with a portal directly to your game.
  • Collaborative Events & Clothing: We collaborate on events and clothing to promote both groups and strengthen our partnership. For example, if we want to create a Formalitat x Another Group suit, both groups’ tailors will work together on it. Additionally, we can host events in a partner game to promote specific initiatives.
  • Post-Shopping Promotion: After our customers finish shopping, we recommend they join our partner games via portal to showcase their new clothing.

We expect the same similarity from our partners. Parnterships with formalitat goes both ways.
Reach out to us on gg/formalitat to learn more.